Go First Challenge Week 1: Go First

Thanks for considering being part of The Go First Challenge I’m hosting with Brooke Turbyfill!

We’re going to keep this first challenge simple this week: Learn a Name.

Maybe it’ll be the barista at the coffee shop you frequent a couple of times a week.

Or the crossing guard at your kids’ school.

Maybe the church nursey worker who rocks your toddler each week.

Perhaps it’s that other mom at your daughter’s dance class.

Someone you see every day, a cashier you may only see once ever, the new co-worker – the sky is the limit! When you learn someone’s name, you take the first step in moving from strangers to acquaintances and make someone not just seen, but a little more known.


After you do it, will you let me know?

If you’re an Instagram person, drop me a comment like, “I met April!” or “I learned the name of the guy at the front desk of my gym!” here.

Facebook Peeps, same directions, but here.

Not into social media? Let me know on Substack, this blog post

I’m proud of you!  Thanks for making the world a little friendlier.




Go First Challenge Week 2: Invite


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