Go First Challenge Week 4: Follow Up

When I first looked back over my 100 People Project, I realized that there were two major themes: Pay Attention and Follow Up. Looking to widen your circle? Pay attention to the people you are consistently coming into contact with. Where are they celebrating? Join them. Where are they struggling? Meet them. What do they care about? Ask about it.

And to deepen your circle? Follow up. When they tell you they got promoted at work, celebrate and then follow up a few weeks later asking how it’s going. When they tell you their kiddo is struggling at school, set up a coffee date to just be a listening ear and then don’t forget to ask about it later.

I’m actually not great at this, so can I tell you how I cheat?

Whenever someone tells me someone I need to remember or follow up on, I quickly schedule a calendar reminder or a schedule a text. Last week, a dear friend’s dad was having surgery and I really wanted to send out a morning text to let her know I was praying for her, her dad, and her family. The only hiccup? Mornings are bananas at my house. There is no way I was going to remember to pack G’s water bottle, remind my oldest to bring along his trumpet, start a load of laundry on my way out, and send a meaningful text. So I wrote the text, prayed over her and her family, and scheduled it for when I wanted it to go out.

I know this rubs some people the wrong way, but I’ve had to be realistic with myself and realize the choices for me are to schedule reminders or forget. A scheduled reminder feels kinder to me.

Follow up; it’s the difference-maker between relationships that stay surface level and ones that grow roots. It’s so important that it’s our challenge this week.

An easy place to start might be with the person you asked a question to last week. Follow up with that conversation.

Maybe you’ll follow up with your neighbor who told you they’ve been sick – check in to see how they’re doing.

Or you could follow up with your best friend on that new book she’s been gushing about. Did it end as good as it started?

Follow up with your kid on how their project in Art Class is coming. Follow up with your spouse on how that work issue turned out. Follow up with that over-sharer on social media who tried out that restaurant you’ve been curious about.

And then, follow up with me. I can’t wait to hear how it’s going.

Cheering you on,



Go First Challenge Week 5: Send an Email


Go First Challenge Week 3: Ask A Question